Sopwith Camel F1 – Hasegawa 1:8 (Part 2): Prop, Interplane and Cabane Struts

In the post about the Clerget engine I mentioned completing the propeller and said I’d cover it in a later post, so here we are.  I’ve included the wing struts too as they were done in parallel.

The prop and wing struts are parts of the model that catch your eye so I wanted to make sure that they had visual impact.  To achieve it I opted for a high gloss, deep mahogany coloured finish.  In fact glossier than the real thing probably.

Continue reading Sopwith Camel F1 – Hasegawa 1:8 (Part 2): Prop, Interplane and Cabane Struts

Sopwith Camel F1 – Hasegawa 1:8 (Part 1), Clerget 9B Rotary Radial Engine

The first part of Hasegawa’s Sopwith Camel kit is the Clerget 9B engine.  The kit I’d bought was second hand and the previous owner had already assembled most of the engine, and not to a standard I was happy with.  However, the lady selling the model said that there was also a separate unstarted Clerget engine model available that she would include for free.  Top stuff! Continue reading Sopwith Camel F1 – Hasegawa 1:8 (Part 1), Clerget 9B Rotary Radial Engine